So now, I've woken up my husband (which actually doesn't always happen... sometimes I believe he can sleep through anything!). Since trying to nurse my little one only made her more angry, I stopped trying. At this point, my husband became fully awake and decided to take over trying to calm down screaming baby. I took this as my cue to try to get some zzz's since it doesn't make practical sense for both of us to be up so early at the crack of dawn. At least one of us should get some sleep if the other is going to be up, right?
However, no matter how I tried.. I just laid there listening to the cries. I also kept opening my eyes to offer my two cents of wisdom... "did you try putting her down to see if she will just fall asleep?" "did you try the pacifier?" Ohh.. why can't I just relax.. chill... fall asleep and let hubby do the calming down since he took over? There are countless times when I'm the one up doing the walking back and forth, rocking, bouncing etc trying to calm hysterical baby while hubby is snoring away. Why can't I be snoring away? I don't know... maybe it is a mom thing. When baby fiii-nally fell asleep at around 7ish and I saw my husband emerge from the babyroom, I felt guilty and apologized. For what? I guess I felt guilty for trying to get some sleep while he was awake. I suppose I feel like it is ok if I'm sleep deprived because it is my job and my responsibility to care for the kids when they cry at night. Or maybe it is just me because I am somewhat of a control freak and feel like I have to be the one doing it all. I want to be supermom! Sigh.. but I'm just too tired sometimes...